Resident Evil 4 Dolphin Emulator Pc
Hey everyone, if your interested I have found the perfect settings for playing Resident Evil (GC game) with the latest official Dolphin release (r7514) and also I have some feedback in general about some of the settings which may be useful to some people who aren't familiar with Dolphin's internals. Hi, new to the forums here, have a problem getting the given configuration to run 'perfectly.' I am running the given rev of Dolphin, and I have tried other recommended revs in forums and the wiki page, but nothing seems to work. The audio is fine except in in-game cutscenes (FMVs are fine). I am running 64-bit W7, Intel i5-760, and a GTX 460, and even I've aligned my build with others who have succeeded, I can't get around this nasty issue. I'm kind of at my wit's end.
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