Naruto: Shippuden is an animated series with thirteen seasons and nearly 300 episodes under its belt and is the continuation from the Naruto manga series. The series itself was based of a one-shot comic created in Japan from the late 90s. The character Naruto is a fresh faced blonde adolescent. The show first aired in Toyko in Febuary of 2007. The series airs with English subtitles so you don't have to worry about a possible language barrier or not being able to follow the series and comprehend what is going on.
Aug 7, 2018 -, Ads on this website are sometimes a bit annoying but it's a pretty. Where we can watch free the Naruto Shippuden full episodes in English? Watch Naruto Shippuden for free on! On your PC or download the AnimeLab app for iOS, Android, PlayStation, Xbox One & Apple TV (2015). Start your free trial to watch Naruto Shippuden and other popular TV shows and movies including new releases, classics, Hulu Originals, and more. (640 episodes) Start Your Free Trial. A Full-Powered Wedding Gift. Naruto and Hinata’s wedding day has been set. As the date approaches, Kakashi announces a super-secret mission to find the.
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The premise of the series starts 20 years before when Naruto is a small child who is abused, there is a strong and powerful creature called Nine-tailes Demon Fox who attacks the small village that Naruto is from and decimates everything in its path. Somehow the Demon Fox is inside of Naruto who apparently doesn't know it and has been sworn to secrecy along with the rest of the remaining village. Naruto grows up and becomes fascinated with martial arts and the way of the ninja and their many techniques. A young Naruto is fooled into stealing a scroll that would teach him a special ninja technique, but is stopped by his instructor Iruka Umino.
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