King Written In Other Languages
King In Other Languages
There exist translations of the King James Version in other languages. I don't mean translations that are comparable to the KJV, but that are actual translation of the King James Version of 1611 itself. Here are some examples: King James Francais in French Koning Jacobus Vertaling in Dutch Bibelen Guds Ord in Norwegian Thai King James Bible Korean King James Version (official website unknown to me) I think this phenomenon is fascinating, because it follows that the KJV is not only important in the English word. Does anyone know more translation of the KJV in other languages? Is anyone familiar with one of these translations? I'm so glad to hear that it's being translated into other languages.I'm not. It is exactly as Shepherdsworld said -- translating the KJV directly into other languages will only exacerbate the errors in the KJV, as no translation from any language into another can be done with total accuracy.
Please don't try to 'prove me wrong.' You can't, and I won't pay attention to such nonsense anyway. Not to say I don't like the KJV. I do, it is a very poetic rendering of the beautiful words of God. But it isn't inspired, and it isn't as accurate as, say, the NASB, the ESV, or the Holman.
Home Language Hacks African 20 Beautiful African Words in ‘The Lion King. Here is a list of other names and their meanings. Which has its own language and so. How does King-James-only-ism apply to other languages? As far as I know, the King-James is an English specific bible, and the King-James-Only standard is an English specific subject, which if I am not mistaken might even make a claim of divine inspiration on behalf of the translators.
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