Octet Stream Viewer

  1. Content Type Application Octet Stream

Workgroup PDM Viewer Workgroup PDM Viewer Users access the Workgroup PDM Viewer by typing the following URL into the address field of Internet Explorer: pdmweb/ You must install Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) before installing the Viewer. See Microsoft documentation for installation instructions. The Workgroup PDM software automatically sets up a virtual directory during installation using Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). • The Web Site Content Directory is the Viewer installation folder. • You cannot use underscore characters in the name of the machine that hosts the Viewer. • If you install the Viewer on Windows XP Service Pack 2, you must enable a port in the Windows Firewall for HTTP (port 80).

ViewerApplication octet stream file

Content Type Application Octet Stream

'octet-steam' means 'bunch of bytes in a row', which you might know better as the term 'binary file'. All in all not that helpful, unfortunately. You might have better luck looking at grub's source code. All unknown file formats in a appache server are streamed by octet-stream. Pdf an ico was unknown. So I added: AddType image/webp.webp AddType application/pdf.pdf AddType image/x-icon.ico. So the octet-stream counter in analytics goes down and this file formats are show now right. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 174 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Visit Stack Exchange.

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