Coldplay Songs

  1. Coldplay Songs Yellow

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Coldplay Songs

Coldplay is a British alternative rock band, formed in London, United Kingdom in 1997. The band comprises vocalist and pianist Chris Martin, lead guitarist Jonny Buckland – who met each other in September 1996 at Ramsay Hall (halls of residence) at University College London - bassist Guy Berryman and drummer Will Champion.

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Coldplay Songs Yellow

Might and magic 6 cheats. Drink from me, drink from me (oh-ah) Shoot across the sky (pour on a symphony) So high, so high (you said) That we shoot across the sky Drink from me, drink from me (ah, oh-ah, oh-ah) That we shoot across the sky (now I'm feeling drunk and high) Symphony (so high, so high) That we shoot across the sky Oh, angel sent from up above You know you make my world light up When I was down, when I was hurt You came to lift me up Life is a drink, and love's a drug Oh, now I think I must be miles up When I was a river dried up You came to rain a flood. Oh, angel sent from up above I feel you coursing through my blood Life is a drink, and your love's about To make the stars come out Put your wings on me, wings on me When I was so heavy Pour on a symphony When I'm low, low, low, low Ah, oh-ah, oh-ah Got me feeling drunk and high So high, so high Oh-ah, oh-ah, oh-ah Now I'm feeling drunk and high So high, so high Ah, oh-ah, oh-ah La la la la la la la So high, so high Ah, oh-ah, oh-ah Now I'm feeling drunk and high So high, so high That we shoot across the sky That we shoot across the. That we shoot across the sky That we shoot across the. That we shoot across the sky That we shoot across the. That we shoot across the sky That we shoot across the.

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