Priyanka Chopra had her dream come true this year. The actress tied the knot with the love of her life Nick Jonas. The American singer and the Desi girl had first met at the 2017 Met Gala and since then the couple had been making the headlines. The former Miss World is now an irreplaceable actress in the Bollywood film industry. Priyanka created her name in the industry with her remarkable performances and is definitely one of the most hardworking actors. The actress knows how to slay in any outfit.
She has left her mark wherever she sets her foot in - from Bollywood to Hollywood. Priyanka Chopra is among the lady superstars of Bollywood.
Linkin park videos. Priyanka Chopra was crowned Miss India and later Miss World in 2000. Priyanka's first film, 'The Hero: Love Story Of A Spy' won her good reviews. Priyanka Chopra, who tied the knot as per Hindu traditions with Nick Jonas on December 02, 2018, is entertaining fans with her wedding photos. New pictures from their wedding album have gone viral.
Priyanka Wedding Pictures
This two pictures turned the heads around this year. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were finally declared as the Man and Wife on December 1 and 2. The couple tied the knot in both traditional Hindu rituals and in the Christian wedding ceremony. Their wedding destination was the royal Umaid Bhavan Palace in Jodhpur.
Priyanka Wedding Pictures
Picture Of Priyanka Chopra And Nick Jonas
NickYanka affair was no less than a fairytale wedding. Their union saw stars from both the Bollywood and Hollywood flying down to attend their wedding. After their wedding, the couple also hosted three wedding receptions in India and is planning to host a wedding bash for their Hollywood friends soon. Priyanka had the best time of her life this year.