He hangs around with his sidekick/accountant Kannaku (). The principal from a nearby school invites Seema Raja's father Ariya Raja () to the awards ceremony at the school. However, due to his father's busy schedule, Seema Raja offers to go instead. Here, he meets Sunthanthira Selvi (), a sports teacher and Silambam expert, and immediately falls in love with her. He then goes around following her, trying to court her.
Singampatti and Puliyampatti have been in a grudge over the market square for many years. The grudge has remained ingrained in the villagers, but they have not indulged in any sort of significant violence for a long time. It started again, where some villagers from Singampatti entered the closed market square and began to play cricket. This caused a large fight, which was only put to an end when Seema Raja offered to hold a wrestling match with the other village.
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